Video: OSS Suppressor Makes Barrett .50 Cal Quiet as an Airsoft Gun
OutdoorHub Reporters 02.04.16

There’s a reason that nobody wants to fire a Barrett M107 in an enclosed space—ever. This titanic rifle is chambered in the equally massive .50 BMG, and it can be both loud as well as concussive. Firing what is essentially a very small artillery cannon in a 10-foot by 20-foot box can produce a markedly unpleasant ringing in your ears, and that may be the least of your problems.
Operators Suppressor Systems (OSS) has a different idea. The testers over at OSS slapped a flow-through suppressor on the rifle and the results are remarkable. Sure, it may not be exactly as quiet as an airsoft gun, but it should be noted that the falling brass makes more noise than the shot itself. The suppressor also appeared to have greatly reduced recoil, allowing it to be fired off-hand.
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