Video: The Whip Spider is Like a Nightmarish Crab
OutdoorHub Reporters 02.16.16

It’s like a spider with claws. There is just something inherently creepy about that. Of course, the whip spider, or amblypygi, is not actually a spider at all. It is actually a an arachnid related to spiders and scorpions. Unlike those however, the whip spider has no silk glands, stingers, or venemous fangs. In fact, they are almost entirely harmless to humans. The most they can do is pinch you with their pedipalps, which have a tendency to be large and rather intimidating for their size.
Just because they’re harmless doesn’t mean they can’t still give you the creeps. Whip spiders are rarely seen but can be found in the United States. They are even sometimes kept as pets, as seen in this video. The part where the owner attempts to pick up the amblypygi is easily the most shiver-inducing part of the footage.