Video: Man Modifies Smart Car into Snowmobile
OutdoorHub Reporters 03.08.16

What is the point of transforming a 2006 smart car into a snowmobile? Well, according to Ottawa mechanic Todd Anderson, he built it just because he felt like it. It cost him about $7,000 to remove the wheels of the smart car and outfit it with ATV tracks and custom front skis. Since the engine is mounted in the rear, Anderson said the smart car made for an ideal transport across snow and ice.
“It handles quite well,” Anderson said.
Keep in mind that this is not one of Google’s new self-driving smart cars, which would have been rendered pointless anyways, since Anderson’s snowcar is not street legal. The mechanic says he keeps it mostly as an outdoors toy—which in Ottawa, can be very handy indeed. While it may not be the prettiest snowmobile, it does offer a fully enclosed environment and heating. Plus, it’s a great way to make a smart car viable in winter conditions.