Video: How Strict are German Weapon Laws?
OutdoorHub Reporters 03.14.16

European weapon laws, especially when it pertains to firearms, have a reputation for being very tough. That’s not entirely undeserved. Many European countries, such as the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, have gun laws that are far stricter than those in the United States. However, when famed German YouTuber Joerg Sprave whips out a Heckler & Koch MP5 in the introduction of this video, you know that you’re about to learn something.
“A lot of people in the US think that in Germany firearms are illegal and banned and can’t be owned by citizens. That’s nonsense,” Sprave said. “There’s about a million legal firearm owners in Germany, and altogether they have about six million fully-licensed firearms. Basically the same type you can have in the US.”
Sprave then goes on to give a lengthy, but enlightening explanation of German gun laws. We were however, a little bit distracted by his lack of trigger discipline. It may have something to do with his relatively large hands. If you could make a Desert Eagle appear small, then that’s when you know you have some large mitts.