Video: Is This the Largest 6-point Buck You’ve Seen?
Daniel Xu 06.20.16

You know something’s up when you have experienced hunters drooling over a six-point buck. Tim Wells and the crew of Relentless Pursuit recently ran into this massive buck, but what made it really notable was that the deer was only a six-pointer. At this kind of mass, it may very well be some kind of a record.
“Could this Freak Daddy be the Worlds Largest living 6!!” an excited Tim Wells posted to his YouTube account. “Once we tape this Midwest monster we will let you know. Giant whitetails are rare but a 6 like this is a one in 10 million.”
Bucks this size generally have bigger headgear as well, but as we all know, antlers don’t always follow a logical progression. Even spike bucks have been documented to grow to massive sizes, and those with six or less points are no exception. However, will Tim’s team be able to bring down this rare buck? The hunters were not expecting it, and that element of surprise may be just enough to snatch a once-in-a-lifetime buck away from the crew.
Find out what happens below.