DIY Speargun Shoots Six Spears at Once!
OutdoorHub Reporters 06.27.16

Jorge Sprave is well known as the ingenious German who hosts The Slingshot Channel on YouTube, which contains a catalog of videos that show him firing the “muscle-powered” weapons he’s designed. The former product developer has launched everything from condoms to Christmas trees, and his entertaining video channel has more than 1 million subscribers.
His latest DIY invention, the Mosasaur Hunter 2000, is a six-pack of powerful pneumatic spear guns synchronized to fire simultaneously and with devastating results. But whether it could actually kill a mosasaurus will never be known. The 50-foot, 5½-ton carnivorous lizard that roamed the oceans near Europe and North America lived during the Cretaceous Period—roughly 70 million years ago.
Watch and enjoy!