Minnesota Muskie Angler Lands Potential State Record
OutdoorHub Reporters 07.06.16

Fourth of July excitement usually centers on entertaining parades and dazzling fireworks displays. But for Andrew Slette of Hawley, Minnesota, it came in the form of a giant muskie.
Hawley was fishing with a friend on Pelican Lake in Otter Tail County, July 2, when the giant fish hit his black, battle-scarred tail-prop lure. The anglers had just pulled onto a new spot on the lake, and the muskie hit on the second cast, he said in this on-the-water interview with WDAY-TV, adding that he had to chase the fish around the boat before his partner could net it.
Slette, like many diehard muskie anglers, uses highly specialized gear in his pursuit of trophy fish. Shortly after catching his amazing fish, Slette wrote the following on the Facebook page of Thorne Bros. Custom Rod & Tackle, a fishing specialty and rod building shop near Minneapolis, Minnesota: “This 57.25 was caught on a Fat Bastard I bought from Thorne Bros., and that’s also a Thorne Bros. edition Musky Bumper and on a Thorne Bros. rod I had built! Thanks for the lineup!”
At 57.25 inches in length, the monster muskie is sure to be a new Minnesota catch-and-release record—once the paperwork has been submitted and approved, that is.