Video: Ingenious Trailer-Mounted Live Bait Hauler


Video: Ingenious Trailer-Mounted Live Bait Hauler

With new and much-needed regulations designed to eliminate the accidental transport of invasive species, it’s become more difficult – and more expensive – to fish with live baitfish. It isn’t so much the baitfish that are to blame, but rather the water they’re carried in that potentially holds the hazard.

That’s why many states now require all water – including livewell and baitwell water – be drained from a boat before it leaves the launch area. And that, of course, meant any leftover minnows, shiners, suckers or chubs went to waste.

Until, that is, Excel-Outdoors came up with a way to conveniently transport live baitfish to and from the lake, while adhering to drained-boat regulations. The Clear Water Bait system keeps transport water separate from lake water, which means live-bait anglers can save some cash.

Watch the video – at times from the bait’s perspective! – to see how it works.

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