Cajun Navy Rescues Victims of Historic Flooding in Louisiana
OutdoorHub Reporters 08.22.16

They call themselves the Cajun Navy, the Coonass Navy or the Brotherhood Soul Patrol. Whatever you call them, they are an armada of volunteers who set sail in the early morning hours from the parking lot of The Home Depot store on Coursey Boulevard in Baton Rouge to rescue neighbors, friends and strangers trapped by Louisiana floodwaters.
In a time when our country seems fractured, it’s encouraging to see a group of people band together to help others in a time of tragedy. “We’re just out here trying to help,” said Warren Holmes, a resident of neighboring Ascension Parish. 22-plus boats and scores of volunteers gathered to help victims of the historic floods in Louisiana, pulling people and pets out of water more than 7 feet deep.
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If one thing is for sure, it’s that the people of Louisiana are tough, and they know how to come together to help one another in times of need. After the devastating Hurricane Katrina ripped through their homes, and now this, residents are literally racing to help each another.
There’s nothing you can do to prepare yourself for something like this; I mean, how do you prepare for cruising down what used to be O’Neal Lane, constantly changing direction as the outboard motor’s propeller bangs off submerged vehicles? This is not a rescue mission for novices. “You better know what you’re doing out there,” Holmes said, “if you’re going to take the helm of a boat. It’s not pretty out there.”