Video: Huge Muskie Misses Lure, Soaks Angler


Video: Huge Muskie Misses Lure, Soaks Angler

This video was recently posted on Facebook by Kevin Cochran, a full-time muskie fishing guide in northern Minnesota (Bemidji and Cass Lake area). Kevin captured this amazing footage during a trip to northwest Ontario. While a guest at Moosehorn Lodge, Kevin fished with top-notch guide Chris Edwards on the famed muskie fishery, Lac Seul (think big water and big fish!).

Veteran muskie hunters know from experience that on some particularly tough days, such as after a cold front, only one lure in the box might trigger some action from neutral or negative fish. And on this day, it was a Mega Barfighter jerkbait.

Unfortunately, the muskie somehow avoided all three trebles on the lure and escaped without ever getting the chance to display its full power. And the angler got a free shower in the process. Cue the buddy laughter . . . now!

Kudos to Chris for putting his clients on fish, and nice job Kevin on the video.

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Dave Maas is currently a writer for OutdoorHub who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.