Michigan DNR Working to Implement Water Trails Across the State
OutdoorHub Editor: Keenan Crow 09.01.16

Michigan is the state of four seasons, and with those seasons, come plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. Known as the Great Lakes State, Michigan also has over 11,000 inland lakes, so it should come to no surprise that Michiganders like to spend a significant amount of time out on the water.
Michigan currently provides ample opportunities for hikers and bikers, off-road vehicles, snowmobilers, and equestrian riders. The Michigan DNR plays a large part in providing appropriate places for participants in each of these outdoor activities to enjoy their passions.
Currently, the DNR is working on implementing a policy to add water trails to the state’s trail program. With the wide range of inland lakes and streams, Michigan is a perfect fit.
You can read more about Michigan’s water trails by visiting the Michigan DNR website.