Four Essential Tips to Become a Better Morel Mushroom Hunter


Four Essential Tips to Become a Better Morel Mushroom Hunter

As you likely know by now, I’m seriously hardcore about morel mushroom hunting. One of the cool things about having hunted mushrooms for the last 35+ years is all the data I have gathered. This data started before I even owned a pager, let alone a cell phone, so it’s all stored in my unconscious. I can honestly say that hunting morels is my favorite activity in the woods! You get an incredible workout, you can be noisy and it’s a great social activity to do with friends. We film shows and it’s a riot!

Here’s four money tips that should enhance your morel mushroom hunting experience.

Zoom It In

Carry binocs when morel hunting the big woods. You can glass for trees (and, oh baby is it cool!) when you come up on a big live Elm and then Bing Bing Bing!

Always See the Trees

All year round, log where you see certain trees. Remember: Elm, Ash, Poplar, apple trees, single white pine trees. Make note of where you see them and head back in Bing season. I am always taking notes from hunting season to winter, fall you name it. Life in the woods is all connected.

Big Fields Rocking Mature Poplars

When you see big fields with sporadic old poplars in them, it can explode with Bings so take that extra walk to the far end of the field. You may just walk up on the Honey hole of a lifetime.

Magic Poplar Screens

Poplar tree rows that were used off of farm fields and along apple orchards as screens are money spots for morels! I’ve found hundreds of white morels and some grays by simply slow crushing the edges in my UTV or walking it.

Here is a video from an exciting morel hunt I went on a while back


May you put these tips to work and find more Bings. This is D Farbz saying peace out, have an awesome day!

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The only thing typical about my life is the non-typical nature that I appear to live in. I firmly believe in the natural order of the world, and I find that this belief helps to navigate me through life, business, and relationships, resonating with my soul. I am in flow with nature and the universe in this way. I blog in an effort to pass on a message about the connections between nature, hunting, and life. Within that realm lies an authentic, clearer path to universal connectivity that I try to live in. The answers to many of our desired outcomes can be found there. My desired outcome is to successfully pass on the ideas, wisdom, and karma that come to me because of my connection with nature and the universe. As this script unfolds in my life, I want to share and help others while adding to the greater good of the world. Many people claim this, but I truly mean it and I bring it into action every day I am on this earth--or at least I sure try. I learned to hike, camp, canoe, horseback ride, fish, and sling arrows at a very young age. A spiritual connection with the outdoors came to me as a little boy and the power of this connection has greatly increased over my lifetime. As a hyper-active person since birth, nature has always settled me down and focused me in while helping me tap into thoughts and ideas that exist within the ether. By thinking, feeling and then willing something to happen after first opening our minds and our vision in a neutral state, we can achieve that which is otherwise unthinkable. I turned 40 years old last October and this past year has served as my catalyst year to promote change. I am in a process of self-actualization as I try to live present in each moment of each day. As part of this process, certain feelings must be turned into actions and done so with complete authenticity. I often write thoughts that come to me and in turn help others--and I believe the greatest return in life is to successfully give. I founded Outdoor Hub in 2007 along with a talented bunch of people and together we created something special. For as long as I can remember I have dreamed of doing something that would help to grow the outdoors and grow hunting--earning it the respect it deserves amongst those who choose not to hunt. I am so excited to be on this journey and I invite you into the field, to climb up a tree, to crawl through the swamps and be one with nature together. Thank you for joining me, the hunt is on...

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