Elephant Kills Big Game Hunter Theunis Botha During an Intense Hunt


Elephant Kills Big Game Hunter Theunis Botha During an Intense Hunt

A big game hunter was killed during a hunt in Africa last week when an elephant fell on top of him and crushed him to death.

News24 reports that Theunis Botha, 51, was hunting in Zimbabwe when he and a group of men hunting alongside him came across a group of breeding elephants. What followed was like a WWE cage match in the jungle, as three elephants instinctively charged the hunters. In the heat of the drama, Botha fired off a shot at the elephants, but was then lifted off the ground by a fourth elephant that charged from the other side.

Image courtesy tbbiggamehounds.co.za



















When Botha hit the dirt, one of the other hunters took aim and shot the elephant in an attempt to protect him, but his plan backfired . . .

The shot was fatal, and the cow elephant did collapse, but where she landed was largely unfortunate. The massive animal, weighing thousands of pounds, fell right on top of Botha, smothering him to death.

Simukai Nyasha, a spokesman for the Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Authority, told the Independent that the incident happened at the Good Luck Farm near Hwange National Park.

Image courtesy tbbiggamehounds.co.za

Botha also had a YouTube channel that show multiple videos of his hunts for buffalo, crocodiles, lions and elephants.

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