Offspring of Cecil the Lion Legally Harvested in Zimbabwe


Offspring of Cecil the Lion Legally Harvested in Zimbabwe

You certainly recall a big game hunt 2 years ago that caused international outrage after a lion, known as Cecil, was legally taken by Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer in Zimbabwe.

Well, multiple reports are coming out today saying a 6-year-old lion was shot outside of the Hwange National Park, and apparently it was the offspring of Cecil.

Of course, after hearing about the hunt, antis are sticking a straw right back in the proverbial glass and stirring things up again.

Last time this happened, Palmer had to go into hiding and was even forced to shut down his dental office because he was receiving so many death threats.

According to The Guardian, a scientist who studied these lions for many years, Andrew Loveridge, said the lion’s death poses no threat to the 550-strong lion population in the Hwange National Park, which still correlates with reports on lion populations we’ve seen in the past.

It’s yet to be seen if this particular lion hunt will receive as much of a global outcry as before, but at least some folks are beginning to open their minds about trophy hunting since then.

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