Video: Jase Robertson Went Beardless to Support His Daughter’s Charity; Wait Until You See His New ‘Do’


Video: Jase Robertson Went Beardless to Support His Daughter’s Charity; Wait Until You See His New ‘Do’

Prepare to rub your eyes in disbelief for the rest of the day, because Jase Robertson just went beardless, and you probably wouldn’t recognize him if he walked in the room right now.

Long bushy beards have always been a staple for the guys from Duck Commander, but Jase has decided to fly in a different direction, and for a really great cause.

If you followed the show Duck Dynasty, you may already be aware that Jase’s daughter, Mia, has battled some tough medical issues. She was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, and had to go through several surgeries to correct the issues.

Now, Mia and her family have started a charity and plan to give back to those born with the same issues.

This past Father’s Day, Missy Robertson teased the big plan on Facebook that her long-time bearded husband would cut his hair and shave his beard clean to help raise money for Mia Moo:

Here is what’s believed to be the last photo of bearded Jase just before the barber went to work:

And finally, here’s the Facebook Live video (be sure to turn up the volume), where the big reveal is made at a Robertson family gathering:

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