Some Floridian Created This Facebook Page Inviting Folks to ‘Shoot At Hurricane Irma’
OutdoorHub Reporters 09.07.17

So, with Hurricane Irma barreling toward the Florida coast with record-breaking force, folks have been urged to evacuate since the beginning of the week.
With landfall expected to come sometime this weekend, the state of Florida has turned into one gigantic fire drill, and people are crowding the highways desperately trying to get out of the path of one of the strongest storms to ever hover over the Atlantic Ocean.
Now, some folks have decided to have their fun with this hurricane forecast, and have created a goofy Facebook page inviting people to “show Irma that we shoot first.”
We want to make sure it’s understood however, that this page is entirely a lighthearted joke and no one should stand on the beach attempting to shoot at the approaching hurricane. . .
The page has grown quite popular over the past few days, and has become a hot-bed for hurricane jokes and memes.
Here are a few of our favorites:
Florida, you never fail to entertain. Stay safe this weekend!