Must-See Video: Bird-Eating Giant Trevally ‘Traumatizes’ Viewers


Must-See Video: Bird-Eating Giant Trevally ‘Traumatizes’ Viewers

If you’re looking for a scary Halloween costume at the last minute, BBC Earth’s Blue Planet II just provided a good idea for you: a giant trevally.

The enormous bird-eating fish made a frightening debut on the first episode of Blue Planet II, which aired Sunday night. (October 29)

Some viewers have even used the word “traumatized” to describe how they felt after watching the 90-pound fish devour sooty tern in the waters of East Africa.

According to the Telegraph, a photographer for the show, Miles Barton, explained the encounter and the fish’s “extraordinary behavior” in an interview with Radio Times. He said, “the attack took place too quickly for him to see it clearly at the time. The fish manages to project itself a metre out of the water and then expands its mouth to the size of a small football to totally encompass the bird. It happens so fast, you don’t really see it until you play it back.”

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