Video: Here’s a 195-Inch Michigan Buck to Feed Your Dreams


Video: Here’s a 195-Inch Michigan Buck to Feed Your Dreams

It’s true, Michigan isn’t exactly known for its big bucks like Kansas or Iowa, but good luck telling that to this hunter who took a buck most Michiganders can only dream about.

John Hatt Van Buren is the hunter behind this impressive rack, and a deer like that will likely go down as the buck of his life. Check out the tines on this old bruiser!:

This old guy has mass all the way out to his tips. Beautiful!

The Facebook post on MIBuckPole says the green score for this deer is around 195 inches. That’s an excellent buck in any state!

Regardless of the score, this deer is a reflection of hard work and dedication paying off. Congratulations on a successful deer season, John!

Here’s a video of John detailing the hunt and how it all went down:

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