Video: How Could Anyone Resist a Mini Golf Ball Cannon?


Video: How Could Anyone Resist a Mini Golf Ball Cannon?

Demolition Ranch and I appear to share a similar general rule when it comes to firearms: If it goes ‘bang’ then we want to shoot it. In Matt’s case, however, he has a little more experience in shooting out-there firearms . . .

Now, whether Matt enjoys playing golf as much as I do is beyond my realm of knowledge, but when he brought out a golf ball cannon to his homemade range, my ears definitely perked up.

After hearing Matt’s reasoning behind buying this thing, you just have to laugh at what goes through his head while he’s at the gun shop.

With that said, let’s see if this golf ball cannon would actually get you through a zombie apocalypse: 

That small cannon packs a punch!

It appears to do significant damage, but accuracy is the big question mark here. In terms of defending against zombies, we’re sure Matt has other guns tucked away somewhere he’d rather reach for.

As a golf nerd though, I’m dying to blast this thing off and run some Trackman numbers to see what kind of ball speed it can generate!

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Keenan Crow is an outdoor writer who graduated from Central Michigan University with a degree in journalism and creative writing. He has been writing for OutdoorHub for nearly five years, but anybody he is close with will tell you he has been telling hunting stories for far longer. He uses his experiences outdoors to write about things he loves - bow hunting, fishing, upland hunting, shed hunting, turkey hunting, waterfowl hunting, dog training, shotguns, ATVs and the outdoor lifestyle he lives in his home state of Michigan. Outside of hunting/fishing, he also loves to cook - especially with wild game - play golf and go on hikes with his yellow lab, Stella.

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