Video: ProMag’s QBD Archangel Turns a Normal 10/22 into a Takedown
OutdoorHub Reporters 01.25.18

ProMag Industries just released their latest Ruger 10/22 stock that’s comparable to Magpul’s backpacker rifle.
The Archangel QBD (quick barrel detach) Stock quickly transforms a Ruger 10/22 into a portable takedown model. The video below goes through more details, and gives you a good look at how ProMag made this platform feel like a very sturdy firearm:
This new stock features a “toggle” that helps lock the barrel into place. The stock is also hollow, and a great place to store earplugs or anything else that might be key for a survival situation.
The rep even told me that they will have a small fishing kit to go inside the stock coming out in the next few months.