Springfield Armory Severs Ties With Dick’s Sporting Goods


Springfield Armory Severs Ties With Dick’s Sporting Goods

In what seems to be a now daily occurrence, Dick’s Sporting Goods is in the news again for their anti gun stance.

Earlier this week, it came to light that Dick’s had hired communications firm Glover Park Group to lobby on Capital Hill in support of further gun control. Glover Park describes their services as “an integrated and complementary suite of services to plan, build and execute all manner of communications tactics, campaigns and programs.” They have worked on such campaigns as the Iran Nuclear Deal and they list legislative and regulatory strategy as one of their “tools in the toolbox”. These moves make it very apparent that Dick’s no longer feels it is enough for them to push gun control policy in their stores, they have their sights set on a much larger prize. 

As Dick’s begins their coordinated efforts to influence policy on Capital Hill, firearm brands are taking notice. Last night, Springfield Armory issued a statement that they will no longer supply their products to Dick’s. Below is their official announcement.

Springfield Armory® Severs Ties with Dick’s Sporting Goods

Springfield Armory announces its decision in response to Dick’s Sporting Goods’ attempts to deny Second Amendment freedoms

GENESEO, IL, (05/03/18) – Springfield Armory is severing ties with Dick’s Sporting Goods and its subsidiary, Field & Stream, in response to their hiring a group for anti-Second Amendment lobbying.

This latest action follows Dick’s Sporting Goods’ decision to remove and destroy all modern sporting rifles (MSR) from their inventory. In addition, they have denied Second Amendment rights to Americans under the age of 21. We at Springfield Armory believe that all law abiding American citizens of adult age are guaranteed this sacred right under our Constitution.

It is clear where Dick’s Sporting Goods and its subsidiary, Field & Stream, stand on the Second Amendment, and we want to be clear about our message in response. Their position runs counter to what we stand for as a company. At Springfield Armory, we believe in the rights and principles fought for and secured by American patriots and our founding forefathers, without question. We will not accept Dick’s Sporting Goods’ continued attempts to deny Second Amendment freedoms to our fellow Americans.”

It should be noted that at the time of writing this article, the Dick’s Sporting Goods and Field & Stream websites still have Springfield’s products listed. It’s unknown when and if they will be removed. It also makes one wonder Dick’s will destroy these firearms rather than sell the inventory out, similar to what is being done with their AR inventory

Regardless of what happens next, we are sure this is not over. With attacks being ramped up on both sides of the issue, this weekends NRA Annual Meetings should be interesting.

Check back all weekend for our coverage of the show. 

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