Bear Hunting Cartoon Crosses Line in Representing Hunters, Do You Agree?


Bear Hunting Cartoon Crosses Line in Representing Hunters, Do You Agree?

Does this bear hunting cartoon take it too far in representing hunters?

Now that’s sort of a rhetorical question, because there’s no doubt this clip crosses the line more than once in depicting what hunters stand for, and it’s up to us, the hunters, to set it straight.

The clip was originally posted by Sara Stover Gamache (@pnw_huntress) on her Instagram page. Take a listen, and notice her caption:

I was listening to a @joerogan podcast featuring @cameronrhanes and they were discussing how Bears are one of the animals that anti-hunters get really up in arms about. And that even from a young age we glorify these animals as being cute and fluffy and harmless (giving our children teddy bears was one of the references made). My kids were watching this movie this morning and I was shocked to see how it was portraying hunters. This was just one small clip among many that were making us out to be the bad guys. This has got to stop, this propaganda is part of the problem in brain washing the public and worse yet our children. It makes me sick. Needless to say the movie was immediately turned off and a real discussing about what hunting is took place. #antihuntingpropaganda #ieatbear #proudhunter #conservationist

A post shared by Sara Stover Gamache (@pnw_huntress) on

After seeing the clip, Cam Hanes commented on Sara’s post to say that he emphatically agrees with her:

“This is a perfect example of the propaganda starting at an early age,” Hanes wrote in the comments.

He then went on to ‘repost’, and interject his thoughts on his own account (@cameronrhanes):

The propaganda starts early…listen to this dialogue and you’ll see why today’s hunters face an uphill battle. #trainhuntprovidehonor Repost from @pnw_huntress using @RepostRegramApp – I was listening to a @joerogan podcast featuring @cameronrhanes and they were discussing how Bears are one of the animals that anti-hunters get really up in arms about. And that even from a young age we glorify these animals as being cute and fluffy and harmless (giving our children teddy bears was one of the references made). My kids were watching this movie this morning and I was shocked to see how it was portraying hunters. This was just one small clip among many that were making us out to be the bad guys. This has got to stop, this propaganda is part of the problem in brain washing the public and worse yet our children. It makes me sick. Needless to say the movie was immediately turned off and a real discussing about what hunting is took place. #antihuntingpropaganda

A post shared by Cameron Hanes (@cameronrhanes) on

What do you think of this ridiculous cartoon? And would it stay on if you noticed your kids watching it?

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