ATA Unveils New Logo and Branding For 2019 Trade Show
OutdoorHub Reporters 01.10.19

The Archery Trade Association welcomes members of the outdoors industry to its annual trade show located in Louisville, Kentucky this week. The show was kicked off this year by ATA launching a new branding project, which CEO/president Matt Kormann said includes a new logo, new vision and new mission statement with long-term goals for the growth of the industry.
“It was critical to mesh all aspects of the industry into a single logo,” Kormann stated. “A year from now, everyone in our industry will know the ATA’s mission.”
The announcement was made just one day prior to the 2019 ATA Trade Show on Wednesday morning via Facebook:
The New Mission Statement:
“We exist to inspire growth, increase participation and preserve the sports of archery and bowhunting.”
Ben Summers, chairman of the ATA’s Board of Directors, said the ATA’s new brief, powerful mission statement embodies the passion and work ethic of its members.
“The ATA logo is bold and creative,” Summers said. “Its red color represents power, and the external broadhead and internal field point represent bowhunting and tournament archery. Their combined strength will inspire our members and remind them that the ATA is far more than a successful trade show.”
ATA Unveils New Logo:

Their New Vision Statement Reads:
“We work to increase the recruitment and retention of new, current and once-active archers and bowhunters. We are the driving force in defending, educating and lobbying for the greater good of the industry and sports. We preserve and promote archery and bowhunting’s rich heritage to ensure active consumer participation, and successful manufacturing and retailing for generations to come.”
Randy Walk, vice chair of the ATA Board and president of Hoyt Archery, said the new ATA brand showcases passion and excitement for archery, bowhunting and the industry. “It’s a new era for the ATA,” Walk said. “This is a courageous effort to embrace change and collaboration across all segments of our industry. The primary goal for everyone is to grow archery and bowhunting participation.”