SHOT Show 2019: Franklin Armory Providence PCC


SHOT Show 2019: Franklin Armory Providence PCC

The Franklin Armory Providence is one of this years new offerings on display at SHOT Show. It drew onlookers by the score at both Range Day and on the floor at SHOT Show. Why? This 9mm Glock mag-accepting carbine has a very unusual action. In fact, it has a brand new action type that, to this writer’s knowledge, hasn’t existed before. It’s a good thing Franklin Armory has a patent in process for this one, because it’s sure to score hits both up and downrange.

Franklin Armory Providence

The Providence has Stoner (let’s use the firearm-related and not the colloquial definition, okay?) styling on the receiver, sports a full-length rail with included flip-up irons, has a polymer folding stock and a short barrel with an aggressive-looking flash hider. But it’s what’s inside that has folks interested.

Franklin Armory Providence 3

Firing the Providence is done in DA only—which Franklin reps say stands for “digital action.” It’s been called a binary trigger, a double action-only trigger, but a finalized patent will probably reveal its final and legal name. The little carbine fires one shot for every trigger pull and is magazine-fed, but it’s not a semi-auto.

This firearm relies on a long but only 4.5-pound trigger pull to make the firing pin do its job. The subsequent press forces the bolt rearward, ejecting brass. As the trigger moves forward, the bolt chambers the next round.

Franklin armory providence 5

This writer’s mind naturally wondered to recent news reports about various politicians at all levels fantasizing aloud about semi-auto bans. This platform would comply with these unconstitutional laws, but still deliver many of the same benefits. Franklin Armory rep Brandon had clearly heard this thought at least a thousand times at the show—and it was only Tuesday.

“It’s been in development for a year and a half,” he expounded. “We developed it for the European market, not in anticipation of changes in laws here—though we are working on California compliance.”

Brandon would much rather discuss how clean the carbine stays when used. Since there’s no gas blowback system, he says, the action stays cleaner than industry standard. Cleaning it isn’t quite as straightforward as an AR, though. He compared it to cleaning a Ruger 10/22.

In the future, the Providence will be released in both rifle and pistol caliber variants, and will have an interchangeable mag well so users can switch between their choice of major manufacturer’s magazines. The market price is yet to be finalized, but will be less than $1,500.

Keep an eye on this company with a big idea applied to their little pistol caliber carbine!

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Eve Flanigan is currently a writer for OutdoorHub who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.

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