Cam Hanes Defines ‘Consistency’ in This Short Film by MTN OPS


Cam Hanes Defines ‘Consistency’ in This Short Film by MTN OPS

Monday is here once again. So, as you mentally prepare yourself to take on whatever this upcoming week may throw at you, listen to these words about consistency spoken by the man who emulates it himself every. single. day.

Cam Hanes’ daily routine is not for the feint of heart. He begins each day pounding the pavement on a morning run while the rest of the world sleeps – these are merely the first of several miles he runs every day. After that, you can typically catch him either during lunch hour or after work hammering up the mountain to squeeze in even more miles for the day. Then, it’s off to the gym for a high-volume resistance training session, usually consisting of some type of arm workout..

So, why keep up with the same grueling schedule day in, day out?

Everyone has their own set of reasons why they push themselves to be better, but when you ask Cam, it’s all about being the best bowhunter he can possibly be:

How’s that for ‘Motivational Monday?’

Now, here’s my challenge to you: the next time your alarm goes off early in the morning and you’re “not feeling it” or you’re digging deep to find that push to get to the gym, remember what Cam talks about in this video.

Happy Monday people!

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