President Signs Public Lands Bill S. 47 – The John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act


President Signs Public Lands Bill S. 47 – The John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act

President Trump inked his signature on the Natural Resources Management Act (S. 47) reauthorizing the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and earmarking $900 million to be set aside annually for recreational opportunities and conservation. Honoring the late John D. Dingell Jr., the nation’s longest-serving Congress member, the act was renamed the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation Management, and Recreation Act.

Dingell died last month at the age of 92-years-old.

“John would have been so proud to see Democrats and Republicans come together to sign into law a landmark public lands bill to conserve and protect America’s wild plants, fish, animals, and their habitats. Debbie Dingell wrote in a post on Facebook. “Smiles and tears all at once.”

Written in 662 pages, S. 47 will create six new National Park Service units, establish new wildlife protections, block certain mining efforts near existing national parks, designate 1.3 million acres of wilderness and more!

“The permanent reauthorization of LWCF marks an historic and important victory for America’s wild and cultural resources,” onX Founder, Eric Siegfried stated. “The public lands package of S. 47 will go a long way in helping support critical infrastructure needs, preserving key public lands and helping grow our strong outdoor recreation economy.”

Thanks to the great bipartisan efforts on the passage of LWCF, future generations of hunters and anglers stand to benefit for decades to come from the John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act.

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