Wild Video Shows Mature Buck Crushed by Fallen Tree


Wild Video Shows Mature Buck Crushed by Fallen Tree

If you think you’ve already seen everything in the woods, take a look at what this hunter stumbled on one day..

Nature truly can be cruel, and we hate to see something like this. Heck, no deer hunter EVER wants to see a scene like this. In the video below, a mature buck appears to have fallen victim to a fallen tree in the woods.

How can that happen you ask? Watch the video below:

What do you think the odds are of that happening?

Now, to no surprise, there were some folks commenting on the video who were automatically skeptical and thought the scene was staged – full disclosure, we had trouble determining exactly what happened too.

What do you think?

If there is in fact no forgery involved here, this has to be one of the wildest things we’ve seen in the woods in a long time!

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