This Young Goose Hunter is Fired Up Over His First Banded Bird


This Young Goose Hunter is Fired Up Over His First Banded Bird

Happy Friday, everyone! With another week in the books, we’re that much closer to our favorite time of year – hunting season! Perhaps you’ve noticed the days drawing in, the mornings getting darker and temperatures dipping ever so slightly. Can you feel it in the air?

Another hunting season means ample opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, fill our freezers with healthy food for our families and create memories that will last a lifetime. But most importantly, it’s an ideal time to teach our children about where our food actually comes from, the hard work required to go out and harvest it and the fact it’s okay to get a little dirt under their finger nails!

While a majority of today’s youth are stuck inside with their Xbox and iPads, it’s great to see videos like the one below of kids getting pumped about hunting.

This little guy talking about geese cupping up and landing on the water got me all fired up this morning!

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