Three-Antlered Michigan Buck Photographed by Former Legislator
OutdoorHub Reporters 11.14.19

Just days before the ‘blaze orange army’ trots into the woods for Michigan’s rifle season opener, a former legislator for the state spotted a three-antlered Michigan buck and started snapping photos.
Steve Lindberg, a former state representative and amateur photographer who lives in the Upper Peninsula, says he saw the buck of all bucks in northern Michigan with another doe and watched them for hours before they scampered off into the woods.
“Five days before rifle season for Whitetail Deer and look who I get to see, along with his girlfriend. A three antlered, nine or twelve point buck (depending if you want to count the two little tines on the right antler, and the small tine on the left antler). I don’t recall ever seeing a three antlered deer before.”
According to the Detroit Free Press, Lindberg decided after a lifetime of hunting he prefers to shoot deer with his camera rather than a gun. The 75-year-old retiree posts a photo of wildlife every day to his Facebook account, typically of wildlife because it’s similar to hunting.
A veterinarian, Dr. Steve Edwards, called the deer a rare animal and also believes the antlers will grow back this way in the spring. He guesses when the buck was still an embryo, the bud leading to an antler’s growth somehow divided into two; or the bud was damaged later in life causing it to split and grow the way it did.
Randi Meyerson, an official with the Detroit Zoo, added the deer is a freakish sight, but the meat poses no threat to humans.
So, if this three-antlered buck walked by your stand, do you think you could gain enough composure to get a shot off? And would you get a buck like this mounted with your other trophy bucks?