Wild Video Shows Two Fishermen Rescuing Sea Turtle from the Jaws of a Tiger Shark
OutdoorHub Editor: Keenan Crow 12.03.20

This footage is unbelievable! Two men were fishing on a boat somewhere near the Bahamas when they suddenly became part of a gripping rescue.
Perhaps they took the phrase “Save the Turtles” a tad literal..
It all started when they noticed a sea turtle was struggling on top of the water. The two men drove the boat over to see what was up, and realized the turtle was in a life or death situation, desperately trying to swim away from becoming lunch for a hungry tiger shark. The sea turtle swims towards their boat, somehow escapes the shark’s razor sharp teeth, and lives to see another day!
You have to see how this one unfolds.
The two dudes on the boat posted the video on one of their TikTok accounts @kaiowenfishinginc., which goes along with the rest of their deep sea fishing videos. The two also share videos on YouTube highlighting their excursions out on the water.