NSSF SHOT Show 2021: Here’s What This Year’s Virtual, On-Demand Firearms Show Will Look Like


NSSF SHOT Show 2021: Here’s What This Year’s Virtual, On-Demand Firearms Show Will Look Like

Well, it is safe to say SHOT Show 2021 will take on a significantly different look this year, so here’s what to expect and how you can stay up to date with the industry’s latest news and product releases.

In lieu of the current pandemic restrictions set in place by Nevada, the tough decision was made to cancel the show back in October. Then, about a month later, the NSSF announced their plans for a virtual SHOT Show platform this January.

While nothing comes close to the experience of SHOT Show in Las Vegas, the NSSF has worked tirelessly to make this a ‘go’ so that industry folks can connect and spread the news of several new products coming to the market this year. NSSF launches SHOT Show On Demand, a digital platform that will provide the trade media as well as retailers, range operators, law enforcement and armed forces representatives the ability to discover many of the products and meet with many of the exhibitors who were scheduled to be at the in-person event.

In addition, SHOT UniversityTM and a selection of Retailer Seminars and Import/Export Sessions will be available providing important industry updates and training to keep you operating successfully in the coming year.

“Every year, the NSSF and the SHOT Show offer in-depth training for businesses operating within the firearms industry,” the website states.

However this year, given the digital platform, these courses will be offered online and on-demand. This should allow openings for individuals who are intrigued by the industry to participate and gather insights into successfully operating a business within the firearms industry.

Features of SHOT Show On Demand include:

  • Searchable Online Directory of more than 2,000 exhibitors and their products
  • New Product Gallery
  • Schedule Appointments: Attendees will have the ability to schedule virtual meetings with SHOT Show exhibitors during SHOT Week and to communicate through private messages.
  • Digital News: SHOT Show On Demand will be sending the always popular SHOT Daily through email and highlighting other publications throughout SHOT Week which feature some of the hottest new product announcements.
  • On TV: SHOT Show has partnered with Outdoor Sportsman Group to provide “live” coverage on Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel to make it even easier to hear the latest industry news and catch product highlights.
  • Education and Training: SHOT University, Retailer Seminars and Import/Export Sessions will be available online for unparalleled industry training and helpful insights.

SHOT Show On Demand Education will include:

January 11–15



  • BIS Licensing and Policy Update
  • DDTC Licensing Update
  • BIS Office of Export Enforcement
  • ATF Imports Branch and NFA Branch

$50 for NSSF members
$75 for non-members

January 18–20




  • The All-New Form 4473: You Have Questions, We Have Answers
  • Consumer Financing: A Buy Now, Pay Later Buying Option in High Demand
  • Inventory Management Insights for busy and slow times
  • Understanding the Firearms Industry Insurance Landscape & Solutions
  • Setting Your Range up for Success with First Time Shooters
  • Social Media Masterclass as a Team
  • Decision-Making Mastery: How To Deliver Stunning Bottom-line Results
  • Morning Keynote — Firearms Ownership & Expansion in a growing American Demographic

$265 for NSSF members
$525 for non-members

January 21–29



  • The All-New Form 4473: You Have Questions, We Have Answers
  • NSSF’s Operation Secure Store — Keeping Your Firearm Inventory Out of the Wrong Hands
  • One-On-One With NICS — The People at the Other End of the Phone Line
  • 2021 Annual ATF & NICS Townhall
  • Need to Motivate Your Staff? Protect Them Inside and Outside of Work
  • It’s a Matter of Worth: Selling Your Firearm Business the Smart Way
  • Software Prescriptions for Paperwork Headaches
  • Putting the ‘Human’ in Human Resources
  • Membership Strategies — Strength in Numbers
  • It’s Not Your Fault. Or Maybe it Is? The Ins and Outs of Dealer Liability
  • Fast, Quiet and Short, The NFA Product Path to Profits
  • Insurance for Shooting Sports Industry Ranges, Retailers Wholesalers and Distributers

$25 for NSSF members
$50 for non-members

Who can participate in SHOT Show On Demand?

Individuals who have attended a SHOT Show as a buyer in 2018, 2019, or 2020 are eligible to register and participate in SHOT Show On Demand. Furthermore, if you are already an NSSF member, or invited trade industry media, you will be automatically registered for SHOT Show On Demand.

For now, mark your calendars this January 18-22, 2021, so you don’t miss your opportunity to engage with this year’s show.

Also, stay tuned for a fun event already in the works where we will have an opportunity to check out some new products coming to the market very soon!

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Keenan Crow is an outdoor writer who graduated from Central Michigan University with a degree in journalism and creative writing. He has been writing for OutdoorHub for nearly five years, but anybody he is close with will tell you he has been telling hunting stories for far longer. He uses his experiences outdoors to write about things he loves - bow hunting, fishing, upland hunting, shed hunting, turkey hunting, waterfowl hunting, dog training, shotguns, ATVs and the outdoor lifestyle he lives in his home state of Michigan. Outside of hunting/fishing, he also loves to cook - especially with wild game - play golf and go on hikes with his yellow lab, Stella.