National Deer Association Expands onX Hunt CWD Map Layer


National Deer Association Expands onX Hunt CWD Map Layer

Maps are great for avoiding getting lost in the woods. However, using the onX Hunts app, they can also be useful for avoiding deadly diseases. In conjunction with the National Deer Association, the onX Hunt app now contains additional resources to help hunters avoid and contain chronic wasting disease (CWD). This expansion is present on the map layer of the application.

Map Layer

The National Deer Association (NDA) has announced newly expanded information in the onX Hunt App CWD map layer will now make it even easier for deer and elk hunters to help fight chronic wasting disease (CWD). This new layer provides insights on CWD distribution, management zones, testing locations, carcass disposal sites and more for the entire country–all within the onX Hunt App.

Map Layer

National Deer Association onX Hunt CWD Map Layer


The National Deer Association’s expansion of the onX Hunt app is made to help combat chronic wasting disease. CWD causes strange behavior and eventually death in all infected deer, moose, and elk. Back in 2018, the NDA and onX Hunt collaborated to make a database of CWD information for hunters around the nation. The update makes it possible to see testing sites, carcass disposal sites, and CWD regulations based on location. These are all represented visually on the map layer. Affected counties display red on the national map, but users can zoom in to specific locations for more direct info. If you purchase the onX Hunt app, this update is included. In addition, onX Hunt is giving new purchasers of their Premium Membership a 20% discount when they use discount code NDA” at

Map Layer

To learn more about the onX Hunt, Offroad, or Backcountry apps, head over to the onX website. You can also get more when you follow along on social media. You can find onX on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Enjoy your next hunt and don’t get lost!

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A lover of the outdoors who grew up in the city but has escaped to greener pastures. Shooter, angler, hiker. Instagram: @the_brutal_rooster

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