Federal HST Personal Defense Line Gains .327 Federal Magnum


Federal HST Personal Defense Line Gains .327 Federal Magnum

When you ask someone who doesn’t know guns to name a caliber, there’s a good chance they’re not going to say 327 Federal Magnum. Sure, it takes a while to say, but the reason is that it just didn’t gain the notoriety of its bigger cousins. I knew nothing about the 327 Federal Magnum caliber until I saw the TFBTV video on the Smith & Wesson Model 327, and that was well into my involvement in firearms. What I’ve come to realize is that this caliber has a following, and for good reason. This year, we welcome Federal’s HST 327 Federal Magnum JHPs.

Federal Premium news @ OutdoorHub:

Fuel your magnum revolver with the power of Federal Premium® HST® thanks to new offerings in 357 Magnum and 327 Magnum. The proven bullet design fully utilizes the magnum performance of these cartridges to maximize expansion and hit critical penetration depths. The specially designed hollow point won’t plug while passing through a variety of barriers, and the bullet jacket and core hold together to provide nearly 100 percent weight retention through even the toughest materials.

NEW For 2022: Federal HST 327 Federal Magnum

Force X2 Shorty

The HST cartridge uses cases that are nickel-plated. This prevents moisture from corrupting and corroding your ammunition. They use high-performance primers that are made to ignite every time you pull the trigger. The 104-grain jacketed hollow point used by Federal was built to defeat barriers without plugging up the bullet’s cavity. This attribute also gives shooters sufficient penetration, while the bullet’s shape ensures maximum expansion.


  • Caliber: 327 Federal Magnum
  • Bullet weight: 104 grain
  • Bullet type: Jacketed hollow point
  • Rounds per box: 20
  • MSRP: $37.99


HST .327 Federal

If you want to know more about the new HST 327 Federal Magnum, head over to the Federal Premium website. Be sure to like, follow, and subscribe to Federal on all of their social media pages. They can be found on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Stay armed and protect you and yours!

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A lover of the outdoors who grew up in the city but has escaped to greener pastures. Shooter, angler, hiker. Instagram: @the_brutal_rooster