Landmark Vision for Saltwater Recreational Fisheries

Blue ribbon commission recommends enhanced fisheries conservation while upholding saltwater recreational fishing’s economic, social and conservation benefits.
A landmark report produced by the Commission on Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Management presents guidelines for conserving marine fishing resources while producing the full-range of saltwater recreational fishing’s economic, social and conservation benefits.
“A Vision for Managing America’s Saltwater Recreational Fisheries” outlines the nation’s most important fisheries management issues and is intended to help guide federal policy decisions, particularly as Congress debates the reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the law which governs the nation’s marine fisheries.
Co-chaired by Bass Pro Shops Founder and President Johnny Morris and Maverick Boat Company President Scott Deal, the commission, composed of respected biologists, economists, conservationists, fisheries managers and policy makers, developed specific management recommendations for keeping saltwater recreational fishing sustainable and healthy.
The economic imprint of saltwater angling in the U.S. is considerable. Anglers contribute more than $1.5 billion annually to fisheries habitat and conservation via excise taxes and license fees alone. In 2011, approximately 11 million Americans saltwater fished recreationally, spending $27 billion in pursuit of their sport. That activity generated more than $70 billion in economic output and sustained 450,000 jobs.
Join members of the commission to hear about this first-of-its-kind effort and its potential to positively influence critical federal fisheries policy in 2014.
- Thom Dammrich, president, National Marine Manufacturers Association
- Scott Deal, president, Maverick Boats
- Mike Nussman, president and CEO, American Sportfishing Association
- Jeff Angers, president, Center for Coastal Conservation
- Larry McKinney, director, Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies
When: Thursday, Feb. 13, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. EST, Immediately following State of the Recreational Boating Industry Breakfast
Where: Room A-208, Miami Convention Center
1901 Convention Center Drive, Miami, FL 33139
RSVP to Katie McKalip at or 406-240-9262.