Monster 30-pound Lake Trout Caught in South Dakota, Possible State Record


Monster 30-pound Lake Trout Caught in South Dakota, Possible State Record

Aaron Jones of Rapid City, South Dakota cut his hands up in the struggle to bring this behemoth trout up, but he’s not complaining. According to the Rapid City Journal, he was fishing at the Pactola Reservoir when the trout bit at 60 feet below the ice. Jones spent the next 45 minutes wrestling with the fish, cutting his hands as he tried to keep the 8-pound line from breaking.

After he hauled it onto the ice, Jones got it weighed at The Rooster, a Rapid City bait and outdoors shop. The fish came in at 30 pounds and 41-42 inches long. The previous state record for lake trout was just over 28 pounds.

Lake trout are uncommon in South Dakota and experts believe that the large specimen caught by Jones is a survivor of previous stockings. The Pactola Reservoir is one of the only bodies of water in the state to hold large numbers of trout, making it a common stomping ground for local anglers.

In an interview with the local Game, Fish and Parks office, Outdoor Hub reporters discovered that a new fishing frenzy is taking place at Pactola. Even GF&P representatives are present, taking lake tests and perhaps getting some down time with a few rods.

“It’s such a rush when you catch a big one, and that big old head comes up out of the hole. The guys are having a blast up there,” said The Rooster owner Mike Cummings.

GF&P officials are waiting for a chance to weigh the trout on certified scale before declaring it a new record.

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