New Fishing Rod Guides Changing Angling on World Stage
OutdoorHub 04.30.13

It’s been several decades since a key component on light tackle fishing rods has made such an impact, but a set of eight to nine small guides, called a guide train, is giving anglers longer and more accurate casts with far less vibration and friction to the line.
The MicroWave Line Control System by American Tackle, invented in the U.S. by Doug Hannon, the “Bass Professor,” is making its way across the globe, and finally back to the U.S.
With the spring and summer fishing seasons just ahead, North American anglers will be seeing some unique changes to new spin and casting rods; something anglers on three continents are already experiencing with the lighter and top performing MicroWave guides.
For decades, the guide train used by most anglers has been the “cone of flight.” But the line slap of the helical coming off the reel and passing through the guides caused friction through the cast along with wind knots while robbing anglers of distance and accuracy.
Since the MicroWave Line Control System’s introduction at the ICAST 2012 trade show, thousands of hands-on demonstrations have been given across the continents of Australia, Asia and Europe. More are now taking place at fishing shows across the U.S.
These worldwide demonstrations called “MicroWave Challenges” compared rods built with the new system to the same exact rod set ups using all of the most popular configurations. Each used identical reel sizes, lines and weighted plugs, cast side-by-side for direct evaluation.
Each caster was able to see and feel the direct benefits this new system provides. Within the first casts they experience a reduction in line vibration while using less power to cast further and more accurately. Continued casting allows anglers to fine tune their casting style to further increase the positive effects the MicroWave System provides.
The hands-on challenges during fishing shows and rod building gatherings have proven to be the most influential way to illustrate actual benefits this system provides. American Tackle reps and pro staffers worldwide repeatedly reported 100% acceptance in convincing even the most skeptical of anglers, rod designers and custom builders and a “never fail to make the sale” record using this approach. When properly given, nobody could deny the effects instantly felt and visually seen using the rods with the MicroWave System

Hook and Hunt Radio hosts Drew and Jim Crowley who tried one of the rods making the longest casts they could remember, had American Tackle President Joe Meehan on as their guest. Meehan said he was skeptical at first because Hannon’s concept defied logic.
“If you look at the guide it’s a normal looking 20 millimeter guide with a six millimeter guide attached to the back of it,” said Meehan.
“It has a funneling effect on the stripper guide. It shoots the line faster through the guide reducing vibration. You’ll never want to use anything else. It’s a phenomenal system that will dominate the spinning market in the next few years,” he told the listeners.
“It’s the real deal and not a gimmick. Doug’s a genius when it comes to applying science to his designs. He’s probably come up with the best thing to guide trains in 40 years.”
MicroWave has garnered numerous covers and editorial spreads in fishing tackle trade magazines worldwide plus growing numbers of accolades by rod manufacturers.
Hannon, the brain behind the new MicroWave Guide System also invented the weedless trolling motor prop 30 years ago, still popular today.
As its chief engineer, Hannon also helped launch WaveSpin Reels six years ago, now with more popular sizes of spinning reels models using the patented spool design guaranteed tangle free. It won multiple awards — including the revered Field & Stream Magazine’s “Best of the Best” — for the unique performance of its spool design.
“We spend a lot of time on designs bringing practical performance applications to light,” said WaveSpin President Russ Riley. “By making technological design and applications a priority, WaveSpin’s shift with products like our reels and the MicroWave system, is a very welcomed industry change offering advancements to many brands across the globe.”