Doug Koenig Championship Season Presents “Hunting Camp Memories”
OutdoorHub 08.12.13

It’s mid-November, the leaves have changed, the rut is on and the big bucks of Illinois are on the move! Come on in to the Koenig hunting camp as Doug shares what the experience means to him when his two sons and hunting partner Carl Bernosky join him.
For some, the experience of hunting camp has become a rite of passage, where life lessons are learned, memories are created and a hunter’s resolve is to be respected. Doug explains the importance and responsibility to become a steward of the land and its resources, and why every opportunity afield has its purpose to pass on the hunting tradition.
“One of my greatest joys as a father is observing my sons skills and interest evolve as hunters,” said Koenig. “Instilling ethical hunting practices and an appreciation for fair chase makes these hunting camp experiences more special every year.”
Doug Koenig’s Championship Season, a hunting and shooting based show returns for a second season on Pursuit Channel after experiencing an overwhelming success in its debut season. Designed for the entire family, each week Doug invites you to share his hunting and outdoor experiences. Along the way, he’ll provide successful tips to improve your outdoor adventure to create a memory.
Doug Koenig Championship Season can be viewed on Pursuit Channel
- Monday at 11:00 am (Eastern)
- Wednesday at 3:30 pm (Eastern)
- Friday at 10:00 pm (Eastern) Primetime
Follow Doug on and @doug_koenig on Twitter.