Action Target Provides Steel Targets for the Inaugural Maine Shooting Sports Experience
Action Target 09.27.13

The inaugural Maine Shooting Sports Experience (MSSE) held on August 23 and 24, 2013, at Camp William Hinds in Raymond, Maine, aimed to introduce adults and youth to the exciting world of competition shooting through the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) while also raising money to support local Boy Scouts of America (BSA) troops.
“The inaugural MSSE was an outstanding success,” Pine Tree Council Scout Executive Eric Tarbox said. “With our new supporters and outstanding founding partners, the MSSE has a strong potential for growth.”
The MSSE successfully raised $50,000 for the BSA Pine Tree Council through reputable founding sponsors like Smith and Wesson (S&W) and Mossberg who donated more than 24 firearms as competition prizes as well as the 20 corporate foursome teams who supported the event through team donations.
On the day of competition, the 20 corporate teams split into two groups. One group shot the sporting clays course designed by Mark Brannon while the other group shot the S&W/Weaponcraft fun course. After lunch the two groups switched courses to round out the competition.
The fun course consisted of several activities including:
- Two stages of the Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP) using steel targets from Action Target
- Several demonstration firearms from S&W
- An Action Target rimfire station with an S&W M&P 15-22 and M&P 22 pistols
- A Soviet “Ural” military sidecar with a mounted RPK
- An archery station where teams could attempt to shoot clays with arrows
“Action Target is proud to be a part of this industry wide effort to bring new shooters into the world of competition shooting,” said Chad Burdette, portable target sales coordinator for Action Target.
The scores from the sporting clay shoot and the two stages of the SPP were combined to determine winners of the competition. The MSSE gave prizes to the top teams in three categories – 33% hit, 66% hit and High Score. The first place team in each category received four S&W M&P SHIELDs and the second place team got Smith and Wesson Model 22A pistols.
Howe and Howe Technologies also brought their Ripchair and a SWOT BOT for attendees to see and experience. S&W team member Trevor Baucom sported the Ripchair all day to show off its capabilities while attendees were able to participate in a hostile vehicle take down with the SWOT BOT.
The four-man teams registered prior to the competition providing donations of $1,500, $2,500, $5,000 or $10,000. Each donation level came with a sponsorship title and bonus gifts. Over $20,000 in prizes were given away to attendees.