Bowhunter Ed Offers New North Dakota Bowhunter Education Course


Bowhunter Ed Offers New North Dakota Bowhunter Education Course

A new online bowhunter education course is designed to help North Dakota bowhunters improve their skills and stay safe in the woods. Bowhunter Ed, which is an official course of the National Bowhunter Education Foundation, teaches safe in-the-field practices, bow shooting basics, different methods of bowhunting, and shot placement and recovery techniques. By completing this Bowhunter Ed course, students will receive their Archery Field Training Voucher to gain entrance to the final in-person component of the North Dakota bowhunter education course.

“The course is North Dakota’s official online bowhunter education course. The training is a great opportunity for new and seasoned bowhunters to learn safe practices and study information that will truly help them in the field,” said John Mazur, hunter education coordinator for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department.

The Bowhunter Ed course is mobile friendly so students can take the course on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or other device. Bowhunter Ed features easy-to-understand information, instructional videos, plus detailed illustrations and animations to help students be successful, better prepared bowhunters. To take the North Dakota-approved bowhunter education course, visit

The new North Dakota bowhunter education course allows students to study for free, paying only when they pass the course. Upon payment, students will receive and can print out their Archery Field Training Voucher, which can be used to sign up for the in-person component. Only after the Archery Field Training is completed will the student receive his or her Archery Certification Card.

While bowhunter education isn’t mandatory in North Dakota, it may be required for special access hunting such as urban hunts or if hunters wish to go bowhunting in states or provinces where certification is mandatory:

  • Alaska
  • Connecticut
  • Idaho
  • Maine
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Brunswick
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Nova Scotia
  • Quebec
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Vermont

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Kalkomey Enterprises, Inc., parent company of, is the official provider of recreational safety education materials for all 50 states. Our print and Internet courses have been providing official safety certification since 1995. We provide safety courses in boating, hunting, bowhunting, and off-road vehicle (ORV) and snowmobile operation. For more information, visit Find us on Facebook at:

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