Hunter Education Enjoys Continued Support from Wildlife Research


Hunter Education Enjoys Continued Support from Wildlife Research

Hunter’s Handbook is excited to announce that they will continue to receive support of Hunter Education programs from their valuable partner, Wildlife Research.  This will mark the second year that Wildlife Research has been a partner for Hunter’s Handbook.

Wildlife Research’s sponsorship support of Hunter’s Handbook for 2014 encompasses an educational spread on scent elimination that helps students understand how to smell invisible in the field for a more successful hunting experience.

John Bergeson, President states, “Working with IHEA and their instructors is invaluable.  Reaching new hunters as well as seasoned hunters that are educating the hunting community with safe and effective practices is something we take pride in.  Our products provide hunters with a few extra moments that it takes to have a successful hunt while leaving no human scent trail that can disturb the natural environment of wildlife.   Wildlife Research Center’s products are proudly offered for use in Hunter Education classes.”

Hunter’s Handbook is the informational primer that nearly 700,000 Hunter Education students annually review and receive while attending their Hunter Education course.  It provides students with a “how-to” guide that takes all Hunter Education students beyond mandatory general safety guidelines and offers them additional information on everything from firearms to targets and gear as well as an added emphasis on safety in the field.

All support of Hunter’s Handbook helps fund the International Hunter Education

Association and the future of safe and responsible hunting.

For more information on this release, please contact Leaha Wirth, Vice President of Sales at or (206) 281-1977.

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