USA Archery Offers Special Youth Rate for NFAA Members
OutdoorHub 04.08.14

Effective immediately, Youth Members of the National Field Archery Association (NFAA) will be eligible to apply for a USA Archery Youth Membership (NFAA Members Only). This membership option is only available to NFAA Youth Members age 17 and under.
The purpose of this membership option is to allow NFAA Youth Members to participate in USA Archery sanctioned tournaments and Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) club programs while reducing the cost of membership to two organizations.
The cost of this Youth Membership is $10, and the membership expiration date will coincide with the youth’s current NFAA membership expiration date. There is an annual renewal option, but this membership may not be upgraded to a different type of membership.
Those NFAA Youth Members who opt for this membership will receive the same benefits as USA Archery Youth Members. Membership benefit information may be found at:
To learn more and register today, visit: and select “USA Archery Youth Membership (NFAA Members Only).”
Proof of NFAA Youth Membership will be required at registration (i.e. NFAA membership number/expiration date). All new registrations will go into a “Pending” status until NFAA Youth Membership can be verified.