Introducing Canola CRUSH from Evolved Harvest


Introducing Canola CRUSH from Evolved Harvest

Canola CRUSH food plot seed, developed by Evolved Harvest as the answer to the need for the best food plot seed, packs the ultimate in taste and health. When in bloom, deer cannot resist the vegetation mix and will return again and again to eat the palpable plots.

Deer are attracted to the large, leafy foliage of the forage turnip, forage rapeseeds, and canola. This premium brassica blend is protein-packed to increase the size of your deer while making them healthier!

For best results in your food plot, cultivate the soil 4 to 6 inches deep. Once cultivated, level and lightly pack the soil prior to seeding the plot. It is recommended to use an ATV or roller when packing the soil.

As with most plot seed, the recommended pH level is between 6.5 and 7.5, and soil testing is strongly encouraged. When you’re ready to seed, do not cover the seed with more than 3/16ths of an inch of dirt.

Soil moisture is vital to the plants being able to establish themselves. The soil should be moist when planting, with a reasonable expectation of future rainfall.

When you want to keep deer coming back time and again, pick up a package of this food plot seed. Grow your deer when you grow our seed!

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