First Time Women Shooters Enjoy a Day at the Range in Missouri


First Time Women Shooters Enjoy a Day at the Range in Missouri

Last month, more than 30 women drove out to the Lake City Shooting Range and Training Center in Buckner, MO to participate in an all-day shooting event.  The event was part of the NRA’s Women on Target program, which helps introduce women to the shooting sports in a safe and friendly environment.

The event was held on June 14, 2014 and was hosted by the Missouri Department of Conservation, which also provided the ammunition.  Two firearms manufacturers, CZ-USA and CMMG, partnered in the shoot and provided guns for the women to use on the range.

The day kicked off with an introduction and a classroom-style presentation about firearms safety. Everyone was then divided into two groups that rotated amongst the pistol, rifle, shotgun and archery ranges.

The Lake City Shooting Range provided a knowledgeable staff of instructors that facilitated hands-on training at each station and ensured that proper safety techniques were being used. The women learned how the firearms function, which included how to use the sights and other basic shooting skills.

Jeff and Stephanie Overstreet, co-owners of Missouri-based firearms manufacturer, CMMG, were on hand and helped with the event.

“Almost all of the participants were either first-time shooters or were new to AR rifles,” said Jeff. “It was great how well the event turned out.  It was a really nice facility and each part of the event led to good discussion on proper firearms use. Overall, it was a positive experience for everyone who participated.”

For their part, Jeff and Stephanie gave assistance at the range and brought nine of CMMG’s AR rifles for the women to shoot, including three rifles chambered in .22 Long Rifle and six that were chambered in the larger 5.56mm caliber. After their time at the range, Stephanie gave a presentation on CMMG and its line of products and answered technical questions about the firearms.

“All of the women were very excited to shoot the ARs.  It was fun to watch women who had never shot before become more comfortable around the rifles.  Some of them were a little timid as they stepped up to shoot the .22s but after they had shot for a while, they wanted to continue on and try the 5.56s,” said Stephanie. “We’re seeing that more and more of our customers are women and based on the level of enjoyment I saw at the Women on Target shoot, I’d expect this trend to continue.”

Recent industry research shows that female participation in the shooting sports is at an all-time high. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) 2013-2014 Industry Reference Guide, in 2012, women accounted for 24.5% of all participants who target shot with a rifle, with a growth of more than 1,300,000 women participants in the sport between 2003 and 2012.

The next Women on Target event in Missouri is scheduled for October 11, 2014 at the Lake City Shooting Range and Training Center.  Registration is required and anyone interested in more information should call 816-249-3194 or visit

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