This Week on MOJO TV – The Mojo Funny Farm


This Week on MOJO TV – The Mojo Funny Farm

This week the fellas of MOJO stay close to home and hunt their duck camp named, “The Mojo Funny Farm.”  After a long off season the guys are chomping at the bit for opening morning of Teal season.  With the Mojo Teal SWD in hand, the fellas take to the swampy Louisiana cover in the hopes of Teal skies.  The good news: The Teal are flying!  The bad news:  Cotton Mouths are everywhere!


New episodes premiere Saturdays at 3:30 pm ET on The Sportsman Channel.

Starting this season, Mojo will bring to you some of the zany hunting tips from our special friend and Louisiana duck hunting guide Hannah Hughes. Hannah along with her good friend Kaylee Patrick have become Facebook and YouTube sensations with their wildly popular Hannah & Kaylee Show. These girls love to laugh and whether it’s their combination of Cajun-Redneck-Hillbilly upbringing that make them so loveable or just the sight of a couple of pretty ole country girls in a set of muddy waders that trips your trigger, you’ll want to catch them on a weekly basis.

Here’s a clip of one of their crazy videos:

You can also go to the MOJO web site at to keep up with these two and the times and dates that they will be on the show.

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MOJO Outdoors™ is the number one maker of motion decoys in the world… but we are also much more than that! MOJO Outdoors™ began life in the State of Louisiana with the invention and development, by real hunters, of the MOJO Mallard® Spinning Wing Duck Decoy, which went on to become a phenomena in the world of duck hunting. With its realistic body, its large and practically unstoppable direct drive motor, highly reflective aluminum wings and rugged, dependable operation, it quickly took the market, making the name "MOJO" synonymous with "quality and success". Expanding on this phenomenal product, we soon became MOJO Decoys®, with a complete line of motion decoys, which included several models of duck decoys, plus goose, dove, crow, owl and like decoys. With these expansions, we became THE name in motion decoys. Our products were so well accepted that we soon became MOJO Outdoors™ where we continue to expand our product line to bring outdoorsmen and women a broad line of quality products to make you more successful and comfortable in the great outdoors.

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