Reign Broadheads: Best Broadheads for Kids
Sky Watkins 03.01.12

We all know that kids are the future of our sport and to keep bowhunting alive, kids must have success. A lot of broadheads on the market need a significant amount of kinetic energy to get the job done but with the shatterhead and swiveltech technology, Reign Broadheads give low poundage limbs the same opportunity as 60+ pound draw weights.
In 2010 myself and my future brother-in-law Josh Williams went to Mesquite Bowhunting in Pearsall, TX. Josh was suffering from a shoulder injury that was only allowing him to pull back 40 lbs, putting him in the draw range of young hunters. When we got to the ranch we all pulled out our rigs and began taking practice shots before we headed out to the stands. Josh pulled out one of the top 3 big name broadheads and flung a few into the target. We could tell right off the bat that he was getting very little penetration and since he was on a hog/ram combo hunt, penetration was key to his success.
With the exception of a few fields, Pearsall is thick brush country. If your animals run more than 50 yards through cactus, mesquite, and black brush…good luck finding it. I showed Josh the Reign Broadheads and told him to try them out on this hunt. With the unique design, Reign Broadheads would allow him the penetration needed to get the job done.
I can tell you right now that the hunt was a major success and if you watch the video below you will see a buffalo, a wooly Merino ram, and a 150lb wild hog that were all killed with the Reign Broadhead.