CleanShot: The New and Amazing ‘Shoot Through’ Bore Cleaner
Dave Maas 01.31.18

Confession time: I HATE cleaning guns. I can’t really give you a good reason, and it’s been that way ever since I started plinking aluminum cans with my Ruger 10/22 more than 40 years ago.
Sure, if I’ve been hunting in the rain, I’ll take an oil rag and wipe off the exterior of my rifles and shotguns before putting them in the gun safe. When it comes to cleaning fouling in the barrel, however, I simply don’t do it. This is not an exaggeration: My go-to Remington 870 duck/goose/turkey gun, which I bought in 1987? The barrel has never been cleaned. Never.
I tell you this backstory because my 870 will get some love in 2018, and it’s because of an innovative product I discovered at this year’s SHOT Show.
CleanShot is the first of its kind shoot-through bore cleaning cartridge. It’s efficient, convenient and compared to traditional field-cleaning methods, very affordable. Check out the video below to see it in action.
CleanShot is a patented high-velocity bore cleaning device that utilizes outward ballistic pressures to power scrub, trap particles and wipe the bore clean. Click here to see a cutaway of the clever system. As the video showed, you simply load a CleanShot round in the chamber like any other cartridge, safely fire your gun, and the barrel is field-cleaned in an instant.

Huntego Limited, makers of CleanShot, is launching the 12-gauge model now, and it intends to release 20, 28 and 410 gauges in the year ahead. And get this: The owner of the company (he invented CleanShot) told me at SHOT Show that he’s actively working on CleanShot for 9mm and 223 Rem./5.56 as well.
The 12-gauge CleanShot uses a standard shotgun hull and is manufactured using the same process and standards as ammunition currently manufactured by the OEM brands today.

So, what does it cost? A four-pack is priced at $8.99 on the Huntego website, but the product is also available at Walmart. I don’t know this for a fact, but I’m guessing it’s a bit cheaper on the big box store shelf. In any case, it’s roughly $2 per CleanShot shell.
For guys like me, who aren’t going to clean their gun barrel after they drive home, I could see buying a few four-packs and leaving them in my pickup. At the end of the day flushing pheasants or decoying ducks, I simply put in a CleanShot shell and fire it into the sky before casing my shotgun and driving home.
Ready. Aim. Clean!