Outdoor Gear Ideas for The Sportsman’s Christmas


Outdoor Gear Ideas for The Sportsman’s Christmas

If you’re like me, finding that just right Christmas gift for the outdoors person can sometimes be a challenge. Personally, I look for gear that is truly useable and practical for use in the outdoors. The list could be endless of course, but here are few ideas and really cool products that I have found very useful in the great outdoors.

Henry AR-7 US Survival Pack

If you are survival-minded you can’t go wrong with the Henry AR7 US Survival Pack. Not only does the pack include the ever-popular Henry takedown AR-7 22 rimfire rifle, it’s full of other survival-based items that might come in handy in a tough situation. Gear such as a fire starter, paracord, tourniquet, folding knife, and a life straw for water purification are just some the items in this kit with plenty of room to add your personal gear. The US Survival pack has a MSRP of $550 including the AR-7 22 rimfire rifle.

Sportsman's Christmas
Henry US Survial Pack includes AR-7, 22 Rimfire Rifle

DTLGear First Aid Kits

DTLGear offers several first aid kits with the sportsman in mind. In particular the “Outdoorsman First Aid Kit” and the “Bleeding Control Kit” or IFAK (individual first aid kit) are built for rugged use and conditions. Both kits offer various options including adding your choice of tourniquets and other blood stoppage items. Kits vary in cost from $79.95 to 136.95 depending on options selected.

Sportsman's Christmas
DTLGear Bleeding and First Aid Kits

Vanquest Gear

You want tough built gear? Vanquest is the place to look for packs, pouches, and bags. All of Vanquest’s products are built for hard use and tough conditions and although I have not used every product they offer, I can attest to their line of Ibex backpacks (one of just several models), Fatpacks and FTIM organizers (great to consolidate survival gear, first aid or whatever else you can imagine). Their glow-in-the-dark, hook material-backed medical patches make a practical stocking stuffer. Products and options are many so check them out at, https://www.vanquest.com/

Sportsman's Christmas
Vanquest Fatpack, Photo by Vanquest

Lucid Optics

Lucid Optics recently re-designed their M7 Red Dot and it would be ideal for anyone looking for an affordable, compact, quick reticle acquisition red dot. Many folks may not know that Lucid offers another great option for a battle rifle style optic, the P7 Combat Optic. The P7 offers features such as 4x magnification and a reticle that can be used as a MOA measuring tape to mention just a couple. The Lucid P7 is certainly worth being on any shooters Christmas wish list and retails around for around $350. Lucid of course offers many other products including long range rifle scope, binoculars and the super compact SC9 spotting scope.

Sportsman's Christmas
Lucid P7 4X Combat Optic

Zippo Outdoor Products

Zippo, long known for their quality lighters, has much more to offer these days including a line of gear for the outdoor enthusiast. Most notable to me has been Zippo’s line of fire-starting tools, to include the Typhoon Match Kit, Mag Strike and Emergency Fire Kit. The company also offers a couple of “Rugged Lanterns” and a neat combo axe/saw.  Check out Zippo’s line of outdoor products at https://www.zippo.com/collections/outdoor

Sportsman's Christmas
Zippo Mag Strike

There you have it, a Christmas short list of great products that I have personally tested and know would serve any outdoor, survivalist or shooting enthusiast well now and into the future.

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Terry Nelson is currently a writer for OutdoorHub who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.