Review: Wazoo Cache Cap and Cache Belt


Review: Wazoo Cache Cap and Cache Belt

I’ve always been a fan of hiding things in plain sight. As a kid I’d love to bury things and come back for it, I’d love to hide things in my room or in boxes or wherever I could. I loved hiding things for later. Not because of any security threat that I had as a child, but just because I thought it was fun. 

I first really got a taste for caching when I entered the preparedness world. 

I saw an article in a magazine once about sewing pockets into pants and jackets and shirts to hide tools, money and whatever else. That really interested me. 

Then I saw Wazoo Tactical come out with a Cache Hat, then the Cache belt. I was immediately interested in both of those things. 

The hat I’ve had for years and they’ve since updated it to remove their logo and make it even more ‘gray man’. 

I still love the original hat, though, it’s got character from years of wearing it. 

Regardless, the hat has “however many pockets” to store things like:

  • Money
  • Survival gear
  • Pictures
  • Small tools

The original cache cap wasn’t as secure as it could have been, as in, the items inside some of the pockets could easily fly out if you took your hat off too fast. 

They fixed that issue with their newest hats, nothing flies out now. It’s not uncomfortable, either. You’d think stuffing some items in those pockets would make it an uncomfortable fit, but somehow it’s now. I’ve never found it to be uncomfortable or an inconvenience. In fact, I sometimes forget I even have a cache hat on. 

From the outside, there’s absolutely no way to tell that it’s a cache hat. Their updated versions look even more like regular everyday hats and nobody would be the wiser to what’s hiding underneath. 

The cache belt can hold similar items, but it’s a belt. It does look bulky from the outside, but honestly, it doesn’t look like anything is inside. It just looks bulky, some have even said it looks uncomfortable. 

It’s not bulky and it’s not uncomfortable. I’ve been wearing it for years. I bought one of the first ones and filled it up with stuff. Wazoo does offer a few packages online that you can buy in addition to the belt to fill it up. I love the packages they offer because I don’t know how they get all that stuff to fit in those tiny little straws. 

Anyway, things like mini tools, mini survival gear, gum, money, small pieces of paper, small bags, water purification tablets and even small coins can fit inside the belt. 

I will say, be careful what you put in the belt because I put gum in there once and since I live in TX, between my body heat and the TX body heat, the gum melted all up inside the belt and was a huge mess. You could wrap it with some type of plastic first or just don’t put it in there at all. 

Same with the water purification tablets, be careful those aren’t in a pinch point of the belt so they get crushed. 

Otherwise, I think Wazoo is doing some amazing things with their gear in general, but these cache products are a winner and I love wearing them!

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Morgan writes for OutdoorHub while also being the founder of Rogue Preparedness where she helps people get prepared for emergencies and disasters, as well as thrive any circumstances. Check out her website at:

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