50 Homemade Shotgun Shells You Should Probably Never Try Out


50 Homemade Shotgun Shells You Should Probably Never Try Out

This is our mega list of homemade shotgun shells that you should probably never actually make at home. Although many are likely safe to shoot out of your average 12 gauge, keep in mind that these shells can be unpredictable at best. In addition to being inaccurate—it’d probably be more effective to just throw your gun—these shells can be dangerous to both you and your firearm.

For those reasons we highly advise you to avoid assembling these yourself. After all, why risk your own life and limbs when people have already done so and recorded the results? Thanks to the efforts of YouTubers Taofledermaus and Demolition Ranch, you can watch these hare-brained experiments—like the awe-inducing Vienna sausage slug—from the comfort of your own home. Here is our pick for the top 50 (give or take) homemade shotgun shells that you can safely take a pass on.

Glass slugs

3D-printed slugs

Water rounds

Meat Rounds

“Tracer grenade” shells

Ball chain shells

Sand shells

Aluminum “turbine” slugs

Bow Mag explosive arrow shells

Darts: tungsten, aluminum, brass, steel, sabot

Play-Doh, matches, thumb tacks, golf tees, chaulk, toothpicks, knife, pins, skittles, rice, razorblades, spark plug, fishing lure, washers, batteries, .22 LR

Chap stick, Advil, bouncy ball core, steel cable, dimes, BBs, kaleidascope, paintballs, wood slug, washer bolo, 1/2-inch socket, steel fishing weight, fishing line, wooden stake, crossbow bolt, pistol primers, .22 LR rim forward, rebar, magnum buckshot, more bolo rounds

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I'm the knife nut that everybody is ashamed to know. My love of sharp things extends to all kinds of edged weapons, be they small, large or on a stick.

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