The 10 Most Annoying Things for Deer Hunters


The 10 Most Annoying Things for Deer Hunters

Deer season is when it all happens. Many hunters spend all year salivating at the thought of venison chili and backstraps, while others savor the thought of those calm early mornings on the treestand. However, like most things in life, not everything can be perfect. There are a number of little annoyances that can try the patience of even the most experienced hunter, and we have gathered 10 of the worst offenders below. We couldn’t cover everything, so feel free to add your own personal pet peeve in the comments below.

The list is in no particular order, although we feel that a few of these entries certainly belong on top. Do you agree with this list?

1. Unexpected phone calls

Image from on the Flickr Creative Commons.
Image from on the Flickr Creative Commons.

You forgot to set your phone to quiet, didn’t you? Smartphones are both a curse and a blessing, especially for hunters out in the woods for hours at end. Iif your eyes are glued to the screen, things like this happen:

2. Litter

Creative commons image from
Image from

There’s few things more rage-inducing than seeing other people’s trash on public land. It’s not that hard to clean up after yourself past the age of six, and nobody besides your parents want to pick up after you. Sometimes not even them.

We’re not even going to get into how frustrating it is to find someone else’s trash on your private land.

3. Temperamental wind

Image from Steve F on the Wikimedia Commons.
Image from Steve F on the Wikimedia Commons.

There’s nothing better than a cool breeze, and there are few things worse than wind that doesn’t want to make up its mind. Varying winds can be incredibly annoying and will probably make you wish you stayed home.

4. Visitors who want to chat

Image from Te178407 on the Wikimedia Commons.
Image from Te178407 on the Wikimedia Commons.

Meet Fred. Fred is the kind of guy who stomps past your tree stand and thinks its a bright idea to start yelling up at you. Yes, hello Fred. I’m doing quite well. How are you Fred? Yes, I did catch that episode of Please Tell All the Deer in This Forest We’re Here last night. Now I see you are just talking over me. That’s okay too.

Go away Fred.

5. Unscheduled bathroom breaks

Image from DM on Flickr.
Image from DM on Flickr.

This is more work than it has to be. Gentlemen, if you think it’s bad for you, the ladies in camo may have something to say about that.

6. Bugs

Image is public domain.
Image is public domain.

Bugs are not only annoying, they are also downright dangerous. One of the most dreaded has to be the tick. Sure it may look unoffensive, but these tiny little nuisances could pass anything from Lyme disease to a condition that makes you allergic to red meat.

It’s scary how we take red meat for granted sometimes.

7. Weather

Image is public domain.
Image is public domain.

Since hunting is above all an outdoor activity, weather is always going to be an issue. Many hunters pride themselves on being able to endure any kind of weather, be it thick snow or heavy rain. However, that doesn’t mean they have to like it.

8. Forgetting things you need back at the truck

Image from Rjluna2 on the Wikimedia Commons.
Image from Rjluna2 on the Wikimedia Commons.

So you left _______ back at the truck. Time to drop everything, climb back down, and trudge all the way back to your car to get it. Odds are, most of us would just ignore whatever we forgot and suffer on through without it. Unless it’s your thermos. You absolutely need your thermos.

9. No deer

Image from ForestWander on the Wikimedia Commons.
Image from ForestWander on the Wikimedia Commons.

Wait, where are all the deer? You can’t exactly deer hunt without deer. Sometimes no matter how well you did your homework beforehand, opening day is just a no-show. Time to write this one off and come back later.

10. Squirrels

Image from Matt McGee on the Flickr Creative Commons.
Image from Matt McGee on the Flickr Creative Commons.

Need we say more? If evil came in a small furry package, it would be these annoying little critters. At least there’s always squirrel season too.

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I'm the knife nut that everybody is ashamed to know. My love of sharp things extends to all kinds of edged weapons, be they small, large or on a stick.